Terms & Conditions

Once your booking and/or consultation request is completed, you agree to these terms and any additional terms provided during the process.

Part A: General terms SurgeryBooking
Part B: Users SurgeryBooking
Part C: Clinics SurgeryBooking
Part D: Consultation requests SurgeryBooking
Part E: Bookings SurgeryBooking
Part F: Additional services SurgeryBooking

The Dutch version of these Terms is the original. In case of a dispute regarding the Terms, or if a conflict arises between the Terms in Dutch and any other language, the Terms as they appear in Dutch shall prevail, unless local legislation dictates otherwise.

In these general terms, the following definitions apply:

  1. SurgeryBooking: An online platform where users can find, compare, and book surgical services from various healthcare providers.
  2. User: Any natural person or legal entity utilizing the services offered by SurgeryBooking, whether through the website, mobile application, or other available channels.
  3. Clinic: A medical institution or facility offering its services through SurgeryBooking. Clinics may perform various medical procedures and surgeries, and they are presented on the platform for users to find and book suitable surgical services.

A. General terms SurgeryBooking

A1. Applicability

  1. These General Terms ("Terms") apply to the services offered by SurgeryBooking ("we," "us," or "our") to users of the website and mobile application, hereinafter referred to as "SurgeryBooking."
  2. SurgeryBooking reserves the right to amend these general terms at any time. Amended terms will become effective upon publication on the SurgeryBooking website.
  3. By using the services of SurgeryBooking, the user agrees to these general terms.
  4. These general terms apply to all agreements between SurgeryBooking and the user regarding the use of the online platform service and the booking of surgical services.

A2. Use of SurgeryBooking

  1. By using SurgeryBooking, you agree to and are bound by these Terms, our Privacy Policy, and all other policies and guidelines published on SurgeryBooking.
  2. You are required to use SurgeryBooking responsibly and diligently and must not use the service for illegal, inappropriate, or fraudulent activities.
  3. You must be at least 18 years old to use SurgeryBooking.

A3. Our platform

  1. Clinics must exercise accuracy when providing information, and we will use reasonable care in providing our platform. Unless we have been in default or negligent, we cannot be held liable for errors, interruptions, or missing information. However, we will make efforts to correct or remedy these once we become aware of them.
  2. We continuously strive to improve the user experience at SurgeryBooking. Therefore, different designs, content, services, etc., may be shown to different users to evaluate their responses. As a result, some services or terms may vary when users visit our platform.
  3. The use of our platform does not imply any recommendation or endorsement of any clinic or its services, staff, etc. Our platform does not serve as a recommendation or endorsement of any clinic, including their surgeons, medical, and cosmetic treatments.
  4. We are not a party to the agreement between users and clinics. The clinic is solely responsible for the medical experience. We are not a party to the agreement between the user and the clinic. The clinic bears full responsibility for a consultation or medical and cosmetic treatment.
  5. To make a consultation/booking, users must create an account. As a clinic, ensure that all information, including payment and contact details, is correct and up-to-date to prevent users from being denied access to their medical experiences. Users are responsible for all activities on their account, so ensure that no one else uses it and keep usernames and passwords confidential.

A4. Our values

  1. You must:
    . Respect our values.
    . Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
    . Not use the Platform to cause nuisance or make false consultation requests/bookings.
    . Use the Medical Experience and/or the Platform in accordance with its intended purpose.
    . Not cause nuisance or harm and not behave inappropriately towards the Clinic staff (or others, for that matter).

A5. Prices

  1. The prices listed on SurgeryBooking are based on information provided by the Clinics and may vary based on the specific medical procedure, additional services, or other factors.
  2. Payments are securely processed through our online payment system. Any additional charges, such as taxes, surcharges, or administrative fees, will be clearly displayed during the booking process.
  3. We strive for accuracy in displaying price information on our Platform. However, errors may occur, and SurgeryBooking reserves the right to correct any inaccuracies. In the event of an error in the price quotation, we will notify the User and provide the option to confirm the booking at the corrected price or cancel the booking without any obligation.
  4. Prices may be displayed in different currencies. Users can choose the desired currency during the booking process. Please note that the chosen currency is only indicative, and billing will be in the currency of the Clinic.

A6. Payments

  1. SurgeryBooking utilizes a secure and encrypted online payment system to process payments. By booking a Medical Experience via our Platform, you agree to use this payment system.
  2. Payments are processed immediately through our payment system upon making a booking. You will receive confirmation of your payment via email, along with all relevant details regarding the booking.
  3. As a User, you are responsible for making payments for the booked Medical Experience in a timely and accurate manner. Ensure that your payment details, including credit card information, are up-to-date and valid.
  4. Any additional charges, such as taxes, surcharges, or administrative fees, will be clearly stated during the booking process. By confirming the booking, you agree to pay these additional charges.

A7. Intellectual Property Rights

  1. SurgeryBooking and all associated content, including but not limited to text, images, logos, videos, and software, are protected by intellectual property rights and remain the property of SurgeryBooking. Users are granted a limited, non-exclusive license to use the Platform in accordance with these general terms.
  2. Users/clinics retain all intellectual property rights to the content they post on the Platform. However, by posting such content, users grant SurgeryBooking a worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, modify, translate, distribute, and display such content in connection with the services of SurgeryBooking.
  3. SurgeryBooking respects the intellectual property rights of others and requests users to report any infringement of these rights. If SurgeryBooking believes that there has been an infringement, it may take appropriate measures, including removing the relevant content.
  4. The use of trademarks, logos, or other trademarks of SurgeryBooking without prior written consent is not permitted.

A8. Interaction between User and Clinic

  1. Our dedicated team is ready to support you in communicating with a Clinic. We aim to facilitate smooth interaction and resolve any questions or concerns.
  2. Despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee that your messages to the Clinic will be read or that requests will be immediately granted. Factors such as the availability of medical staff and other operational considerations may affect response times.
  3. Initiating contact, from either your side or the Clinic's side, does not create a legal basis for subsequent actions. Engaging in communication with a Clinic does not guarantee acceptance of treatment, surgery, or other medical services. Further steps and agreements are subject to the terms and procedures established by the respective Clinic.
  4. We aim to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of your communication with the Clinic. However, due to the nature of medical service provision, it is important to be aware that some information may need to be shared with the Clinic to ensure an appropriate medical experience.
  5. We encourage users to communicate politely and respectfully with the Clinic. Inappropriate behavior may result in the termination of communication and potential cancellation of the consultation request/booking, in accordance with SurgeryBooking's policy.
  6. In case of any issues during communication with the Clinic, our support team is at your disposal. Contact us for assistance with any uncertainties or disputes.

A9. Cancellations and Modification of Consultation Requests/Bookings

  1. Clinics reserve the right to reject requests or cancel consultation requests/bookings via the clinic portal. SurgeryBooking cannot guarantee that all requests will be accepted or that bookings will be honored by the clinic. If a request is rejected or a consultation request/booking is canceled by the clinic, SurgeryBooking will endeavor to provide alternative options to the user, if possible.
  2. Users have the option to reject or cancel requests or consultation requests/bookings via the user portal. Canceling a consultation request/booking may be subject to certain terms and cancellation fees, as outlined in SurgeryBooking's general terms and the policy of the respective clinic. Users are encouraged to carefully read these terms before submitting a request or making a consultation request/booking.
  3. SurgeryBooking will attempt to timely inform users of any cancellations or changes regarding their consultation requests or bookings. If necessary, SurgeryBooking will collaborate with the involved parties to find appropriate solutions and support the user in finding alternative options.
  4. SurgeryBooking is not liable for costs, losses, or disputes arising from cancellations or modifications to consultation requests or bookings. Such matters fall under the responsibility and policy of the Clinic.
  5. For more information on cancellation terms, procedures, or assistance with cancellations and modifications, our support team is at your disposal. Contact us for assistance and guidance.

A10. Disputes Regarding Consultation Requests and Bookings

  1. For questions or complaints regarding your consultation requests or bookings, we invite you to contact our Customer Service team via surgerybooking.com/contact. To ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of our support, we kindly ask you to have the following information available prior to your contact:
  • A concise summary of the issue, including your desired resolution
  • Any supporting documents, such as bank statements, photos, or receipts.
  1. All inquiries and complaints will be carefully documented, with the most urgent issues being prioritized. Our goal is to address your concerns in an efficient and satisfactory manner.
  2. We strive to resolve disputes primarily internally and actively participate in the dispute resolution process. The Customer Service team will attempt to reach a solution together with you. However, SurgeryBooking is not obligated to accept alternative dispute resolution procedures managed by external, independent agencies.
  3. We aim for transparency in our communication regarding disputes. Our Customer Service team will keep you informed of the progress and will make every effort to reach a satisfactory resolution.

A11. Liability

  1. SurgeryBooking acts as an intermediary and facilitates the consultation request/booking of medical and cosmetic treatments between users and clinics. It is important to note that SurgeryBooking is not responsible for the quality of the treatments themselves, nor for the ultimate results of these treatments.
  2. In accordance with mandatory consumer legislation, we are only liable for costs you have directly incurred as a result of our failure. This means that, to the extent permitted by law, we are not liable for matters such as:
  • Indirect losses or consequential damages.
  • Incorrect information about a clinic, surgeon, medical, and cosmetic treatment.
  • Products, services, or actions of a clinic or other business partner.
  • Errors in email addresses, phone numbers, or credit card numbers (unless it is our fault).
  • Force majeure or events beyond our control.
  1. SurgeryBooking does not accept liability for any damage or injury caused by medical and cosmetic treatments booked through our platform. It is the user's responsibility to be fully aware of the potential risks and consequences of the chosen medical procedures.
  2. The liability of SurgeryBooking is limited to the costs of the booked services. In no event shall SurgeryBooking be liable for additional costs, consequential damages, loss of profits, or any other indirect damages.
  3. SurgeryBooking is not liable for any deficiencies in service due to force majeure, unforeseen circumstances, or actions of third parties beyond our control.
  4. Information and advice provided by SurgeryBooking on the platform are for general guidance only. Users are encouraged to seek independent advice from qualified medical professionals for specific health concerns.

#### A12. Measures

  1. SurgeryBooking reserves the right to limit users' right to make consultation requests/bookings, cancel existing bookings, and/or suspend access to our platform, customer service, and/or user accounts. These measures are only taken if there are valid reasons, such as:
  • Cases of fraud or abuse.
  • Non-compliance with our core values or applicable laws and regulations.
  • Inappropriate or unlawful behavior, including violence, threats, or violations of privacy, towards SurgeryBooking, clinics with a profile on our platform, or other involved parties.
  1. If SurgeryBooking cancels a consultation request/booking for the aforementioned reasons, the user is not entitled to a refund. As a rule, we inform the user of the reason for the cancellation, unless providing this information (a) would violate applicable laws and/or (b) would hinder the detection or prevention of fraud or other illegal activities. If a user believes their consultation request/booking has been unjustly canceled, they may contact our customer service team.
  2. SurgeryBooking aims for transparency in taking measures and will inform the user about the steps taken where possible. Providing this information is intended to provide clarity, except in situations where it is legally restricted or would jeopardize the integrity of the platform.
  3. Our customer service team is ready to provide support and answer questions regarding measures taken. Users are encouraged to contact us if there are any uncertainties or if they believe the measures taken are unjust.

A13. Applicable Law and Disputes

  1. These Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Dutch legislation. The use of SurgeryBooking and the services falling under it implies the acceptance of the applicability of Dutch law to all aspects of the agreement between the user and SurgeryBooking.
  2. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be submitted to the competent courts in the Netherlands. SurgeryBooking aims to resolve disputes in a fair, transparent, and efficient manner. By using the platform, the user agrees that disputes, if they arise, will be handled by the competent Dutch courts.
  3. SurgeryBooking is open to alternative dispute resolution if both parties agree. This may include mediation, arbitration, or other out-of-court procedures. The user is encouraged to contact SurgeryBooking's customer service team to explore whether alternative dispute resolution is possible.

B. Users of SurgeryBooking

B1. Rights and Obligations

  1. Users of SurgeryBooking are required to create an account to avail themselves of the services offered on the platform. When registering an account, users must provide accurate and up-to-date information, including personal data and contact information. Users are responsible for keeping their account information, such as username and password, safe and confidential.
  2. Users are obligated to register with accurate, current personal, and medical information. They must ensure the confidentiality of their account information and are responsible for all activities occurring under their account. Users are encouraged to communicate respectfully and ethically with clinics and other users and not to use the platform for unlawful activities.

B2. Proper Use

  1. Users commit to using SurgeryBooking for legitimate purposes and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Users are not allowed to use the platform for fraudulent, illegal, or unauthorized activities, nor to compromise the security or integrity of the platform.
  2. Users are encouraged to share sincere and constructive reviews and feedback about their experiences. However, posting false, misleading, defamatory, or otherwise harmful information is prohibited. SurgeryBooking reserves the right to remove such content.
  3. Sharing relevant medical information with clinics is crucial for providing proper care. Users must provide truthful and complete medical history and current health condition to the clinic prior to treatment.

B3. Liability and Conduct

  1. Users are liable for their own behavior and activities on SurgeryBooking. Inappropriate behavior, including harassment, abuse, threats, or violations of others' privacy, will not be tolerated. SurgeryBooking reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts of users who violate these terms.

B4. Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Users must respect the intellectual property rights of SurgeryBooking and third parties, including copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights. Users are not allowed to copy, reproduce, modify, or distribute content from the platform without prior permission.

B5. Privacy and Data Protection

  1. SurgeryBooking values the privacy of users and is committed to protecting personal data in accordance with applicable privacy laws. By using the platform, users consent to the collection, use, and sharing of their data as described in SurgeryBooking's privacy policy.

C. Clinics on SurgeryBooking

C1. Rights and Obligations

  1. Clinics wishing to offer their services on SurgeryBooking must register and create a profile. Upon registration, clinics must provide accurate and complete information, including contact details, descriptions of offered treatments, and any requirements for consultation or booking.
  2. Clinics are required to offer services that meet the highest professional and ethical standards. They must provide accurate, complete, and updated information about their services, qualifications, and prices. Clinics are responsible for maintaining a safe and hygienic environment for all treatments.

C2. Service and Quality

  1. Clinics commit to providing high-quality medical and cosmetic services to SurgeryBooking users. This includes compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding medical practices, hygiene, and patient care.
  2. Clinics should receive feedback from users in a constructive manner and, where possible, implement improvements to enhance the quality of care. They also have the right to respond to feedback to clarify misunderstandings or provide additional information.

C3. Transparency and Information

  1. Clinics are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information on their profile on SurgeryBooking. This includes pricing, availability, treatment details, and any other relevant information that users may need to make an informed decision.
  2. Clinics are expected to communicate clearly, respectfully, and promptly with users. They must ensure a safe, respectful environment for all users, free from discrimination, harassment, or any other inappropriate behavior.

C4. Bookings and Appointments

  1. Clinics agree to honor booking requests and appointments made through SurgeryBooking, unless there are valid reasons for refusal, such as full occupancy or other operational limitations. It is important for clinics to respond promptly to booking requests and confirm appointments to ensure the best user experience.

C5. Liability and Responsibility

  1. Clinics are responsible for the quality and safety of the treatments offered. SurgeryBooking acts as an intermediary and does not bear responsibility for the outcome of treatments or any damages arising therefrom. Clinics should have their own liability insurance to cover any unforeseen situations.

C6. Integrity and Conduct

  1. Clinics must adhere to ethical standards and professional codes of conduct in their interactions with users and SurgeryBooking. Inappropriate behavior, such as deception, harassment, or violation of users' privacy, will not be tolerated and may result in suspension or termination of the profile on SurgeryBooking.
  2. Clinics are encouraged to collaborate closely with SurgeryBooking to ensure the best user experience. This includes timely communication, providing accurate information, and actively contributing to resolving any disputes or complaints from users.

D. Consultation Requests on SurgeryBooking

D1. Receipt of Consultation Requests

  1. Clinics registered on SurgeryBooking agree to receive consultation requests from users interested in their services. It is the clinic's responsibility to handle these requests promptly and adequately, and to provide further information to the user if necessary.
  2. By submitting a consultation request on SurgeryBooking, visitors agree that their information, including personal data and medical history, will be shared with the chosen clinic. This information is solely used to facilitate the consultation request and provide appropriate medical care by the clinic.

D2. Compliance with Appointments

  1. Clinics are obligated to honor consultation appointments made through SurgeryBooking unless there are valid reasons for cancellation or modification. Clinics must maintain clear and honest communication with users regarding appointment availability and any changes to schedules.
  2. Clinics reserve the right to reschedule consultation appointments in case of unforeseen circumstances, such as unexpected staff changes, operational limitations, or other reasons affecting normal operations. Clinics must notify users promptly of such changes and offer alternative appointments if possible.
  3. Visitors who have submitted a consultation request on SurgeryBooking reserve the right to cancel the request if necessary. For example, this may occur if the user is unable to attend the appointment for personal reasons or if there are changes in the user's needs. Users are advised to consult the clinic's cancellation policies before canceling a request.

D3. Accurate Information

  1. Clinics must provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding availability, prices, terms, and other relevant details concerning consultation requests. It is crucial for users to rely on the information provided by the clinic on SurgeryBooking.
  2. Users submitting a consultation request on SurgeryBooking must also provide accurate and up-to-date information, such as personal data and relevant medical history. Providing correct information is essential for effective consultation and the provision of appropriate medical care by the clinic.

D4. Professional Conduct

  1. Clinics are expected to be professional and respectful in their interactions with users submitting consultation requests. Inappropriate behavior, such as deception, harassment, or improper communication, will not be tolerated and may result in suspension or termination of the profile on SurgeryBooking.

D5. Quality of Service

  1. Clinics must provide high-quality service during consultation appointments made through SurgeryBooking. This includes adhering to the highest professional standards and delivering quality care to the users utilizing the platform.
  2. Users of SurgeryBooking have the opportunity to leave a review about the quality of service they have received from the clinic. These reviews provide valuable information for other users and assist in making informed decisions regarding their healthcare needs.
  3. Users are encouraged to provide honest and constructive feedback about their experiences with the clinic. The purpose of reviews is to highlight both positive aspects and potential areas for improvement so that other users can make well-informed decisions.

D6. Collaboration with SurgeryBooking

  1. Clinics are encouraged to collaborate closely with SurgeryBooking to ensure an optimal user experience. This includes timely responses to user inquiries, providing additional information if necessary, and actively contributing to resolving any disputes or complaints from users.

E. SurgeryBooking Bookings

E1. Receipt of Bookings

  1. Clinics registered on SurgeryBooking agree to receive booking requests from users interested in their services. It is the clinic's responsibility to handle these requests promptly and adequately, and to provide further information to the user if necessary.
  2. By submitting a booking request on SurgeryBooking, visitors agree that their information, including personal data and relevant treatment details, will be shared with the chosen clinic. This information is solely used to facilitate the booking request and provide the scheduled medical care by the clinic.

E2. Compliance with Appointments

  1. Clinics are obligated to honor booking appointments made through SurgeryBooking unless there are valid reasons for cancellation or modification. It is important for clinics to maintain clear and honest communication with users regarding appointment availability and any changes to schedules.
  2. Clinics reserve the right to reschedule booking appointments in case of unforeseen circumstances, such as unexpected staff changes, operational limitations, or other reasons affecting normal operations. Clinics must notify users promptly of such changes and offer alternative appointments if possible.
  3. Visitors who have submitted a booking request on SurgeryBooking reserve the right to cancel the request if necessary. For example, this may occur if the user is unable to attend the appointment for personal reasons or if there are changes in the user's needs. Users are advised to consult the clinic's cancellation policies before canceling a request.

E3. Accurate Information

  1. Clinics must provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding availability, prices, terms, and other relevant details concerning booking requests. It is crucial for users to rely on the information provided by the clinic on SurgeryBooking.
  2. Users submitting a booking request on SurgeryBooking must also provide accurate and up-to-date information, such as personal data and any specific requirements for the treatment. Providing correct information is essential for a smooth handling of the booking and the provision of appropriate medical care by the clinic.

E4. Professional Conduct

  1. Clinics are expected to be professional and respectful in their interactions with users submitting booking requests. Inappropriate behavior, such as deception, harassment, or improper communication, will not be tolerated and may result in suspension or termination of the profile on SurgeryBooking.

E5. Quality of Service and Feedback

  1. Clinics must provide high-quality service during booking appointments made through SurgeryBooking. This includes adhering to the highest professional standards and delivering quality care to the users utilizing the platform.
  2. Users of SurgeryBooking have the opportunity to leave a review about the quality of service they have received from the clinic. These reviews provide valuable information for other users and assist in making informed decisions regarding their healthcare needs.
  3. Users are encouraged to provide honest and constructive feedback about their experiences with the clinic. The purpose of the reviews is to highlight both positive aspects and potential areas for improvement so that other users can make well-informed decisions.

E6. Collaboration with SurgeryBooking

  1. Clinics are encouraged to collaborate closely with SurgeryBooking to ensure an optimal user experience. This includes timely responses to user inquiries, providing additional information if necessary, and actively contributing to resolving any disputes or complaints from users.

F. Supplementing SurgeryBooking Services

F1. Availability and Offering

  1. SurgeryBooking may offer supplementary services to users and clinics to enhance their experience on the platform. These supplementary services may range from additional features to special offers and promotional activities.
  2. The availability of supplementary services may depend on various factors, including the region, types of treatments, and the terms of individual clinics. SurgeryBooking aims to provide a diverse range of supplementary services that meet the needs and preferences of users and clinics.

F2. Use of Supplementary Services

  1. The use of supplementary services on SurgeryBooking is subject to the platform's general terms and policies, as well as any specific terms that may apply to the particular service. Users and clinics are encouraged to carefully read these terms before utilizing supplementary services.
  2. By using supplementary services on SurgeryBooking, users and clinics agree to comply with the applicable terms and policies. This includes respecting any restrictions or guidelines regarding the use of specific features or offers.

F3. Responsibility and Liability

  1. SurgeryBooking assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages, losses, or disputes arising from the use of supplementary services by users or clinics. The use of these services is at the user's or clinic's own risk, and users and clinics are encouraged to take precautions and report any questions or issues to SurgeryBooking's support team.
  2. SurgeryBooking reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate supplementary services at any time, without prior notice to users or clinics. Any changes to supplementary services will be communicated via the website or other appropriate channels.

F4. SurgeryBooking Content

  1. SurgeryBooking may publish blogs, stories, and social posts on the platform to provide users and clinics with additional information, tips, news, and other relevant content related to medical treatments, health, and well-being.
  2. The information provided in blogs, stories, and social posts on SurgeryBooking is intended for educational and informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for it. Users and clinics are advised to seek professional advice from qualified healthcare providers before making decisions regarding medical treatments or procedures.
  3. SurgeryBooking strives to provide reliable and accurate information in blogs, stories, and social posts. All content is carefully curated and reviewed by qualified professionals to ensure quality and accuracy.
  4. Despite efforts to keep the information on SurgeryBooking current and accurate, SurgeryBooking cannot guarantee that all information is completely accurate or up-to-date. Users and clinics are encouraged to conduct independent research and verify whether the provided information is applicable to their specific situation.